Digital Real Estate is any virtual property that has monetary value, including websites, domain names and non-fungible tokens (NFT). It also includes plots of land in the metaverse. These digital properties can be sold or leased to users who wish to live, work, play and build in them.
The popularity of digital real estate is growing because it offers a number of benefits that aren’t available in physical real estate. Its low capital requirements and global reach make it attractive to investors, while its scalability makes it easy for an investor to modify their investment. It also can be a good way to diversify an investment portfolio, as it reduces the risk of significant or total losses if one type of investment experiences a downturn. Read more
As the internet continues to evolve, so does the world of digital real estate. While it’s possible to own virtual homes, department stores and apartment buildings in the real world, this type of real estate isn’t as lucrative as it once was. Instead, digital real estate has gained in popularity as a way to generate income and promote brands.
The most popular forms of digital real estate include websites and NFTs. Websites are the most profitable digital real estate because they can be used to run businesses, post content and even generate a steady passive income. They can be bought and sold for a profit, or leased out to other companies.
Unlike traditional real estate, digital real estate can be traded on a blockchain-enabled platform. This allows for a faster trade process and more transparency. It also eliminates the need for middlemen and can lower costs for both buyers and sellers. Moreover, digital real estate can be tokenized, which makes it easier for people to buy and sell assets in small increments.
While investing in digital real estate may seem risky, it can be a great option for those who want to diversify their investments or earn extra income. However, it’s important to understand the risks associated with this type of investing before making a decision.
To assess the current state of knowledge on this topic, a search was conducted on the Web of Science using a broad keyword strategy. A total of 387 publications were retrieved. After a screening process and abstract examination, those that met the inclusion criteria were included in this thematic analysis. The most productive journals for this research were Automation in Construction, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, Geocarto International, and the Journal of the Association of American Geographers. This analysis demonstrates that the subject of digital real estate is currently receiving significant attention from researchers and industry professionals. This is likely due to the rapid development of the metaverse and the internet in general.